THE US CS Modifier When Cost-Sharing is Waived

CMS now waives cost-sharing (coinsurance and deductible amounts) under Medicare Part B for Medicare patients for certain COVID-19 testing-related services.  Previously, CMS made available the CS modifier for the gulf oil spill in 2010; however, CMS recently repurposed the CS modifier for COVID-19 purposes.  Now, for services furnished on March 18, 2020, and through the […]

Happy National Nurses Day 2020

We want to recognize all the efforts of nurses! We appreciate you for working side by side with our doctors to ensure we always have the best care. Especially now. We salute you for your sacrifices. You make our world better because you care. .#nationalnursesday #nurse

CARES Act Provider Relief Fund

HHS has begun distributing the remaining $20 billion of the $50 billion general distribution to Medicare providers to augment providers’ allocations so that the whole $50 billion general distribution is allocated proportional to providers’ share of 2018 net patient revenue. These are payments, not loans, to healthcare providers, and will not need to be repaid. […]

Happy National Doctors Day 2020

We want to recognize the contributions of physicians to individual lives and communities, even more so during this difficult time. The first Doctors’ Day observance was March 30th, 1933, in Winder, Georgia to celebrate the first use of general anesthetic in surgery. The Barrow County (Georgia) Medical Society Auxiliary proclaimed the day “Doctors’ Day,” which […]

New Medicare Telehealth Guidelines Effective March 6, 2020

Under the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, the Trump administration on Monday announced that it will expand telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries and cut back on HIPAA enforcement, the latest move to combat the coronavirus pandemic.  The new extended coverage will enable beneficiaries to receive a wider range of healthcare services from their […]